Available on Steam Workshop


Help the survivors travel to Jacksonville in time for the big game!


SolDoom - Platforming, Dialogue
Feathergust - Designing, Debugging, Scripting
Nicky Grimes - Map Creation, Website Builder


Real-time updates!

May 31 '23 A remaster was announced and is currently underway.
Jan 28 '23 An official beta version was released. Many bugs exist, and they will be fixed. Route B has confirmed to be the safest routes with minimal issues.
Jan '23 - All maps and paths finalized. Now linking saferooms together, and fixing last-minute bugs.
Jul 7 '22 - Rediscovering older maps, and reworking them into the campaign.
Jul 6 '22 - Importing custom textures for maps, fixing bugs associated with bot navigation.
Jun '22 - Building new intro map underway.
May '22 - The great pruning removed more buggier, amateurish maps. Will they be brought back in the future?
Apr 25 '22 - The first map was born!
Oct '21 - This website was born. Hello, world!



Last updated: 1/28/2023
Abandoned 4 Good is now available for beta testing. This is where players and more experienced mappers like you to give us feedback and tell us how we can improve the game!

Hint: Subscribe to the Admin System addon to get yourselves out of a jam.
Hint 2: Do not go down the left route! The right route is fully functional, while the left route introduces game-breaking bugs!

Contact Us

If you experience any bugs that we haven't noted, or want to make some suggestions - send us a message along with a screenshot.Screenshots of what the console shows are super helpful.Ready to chat? Send us something!